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AUSTRALIA – Changes to Working Holiday Visa Program

  • By Expat
  • December 21, 2018

Revisions have been released for Australia’s Working Holiday (WH) Visa Program. These changes were initially announced in September 2016.

Of note are the following:

  • The upper age limit for applicants of the WHV program has been raised to 35 years of age, from a previous 31 years of age, for Irish and Canadian passport holders, effective November 1, 2018.
  • WHV holders who complete six months of regional work under the second WHV visa may be eligible for a third WHV visa, effective July 1, 2019. Previously, a maximum of two WHV grants were allowed.
  • The yearly WHV cap will be increased, no effective date set.
  • An extension from six to 12 months working time for WHV holders is now allowed when working for the same agricultural employer, to support farmers. There were also additions of more agricultural regions where WHV holders may work.