Grandfather provisions announced for current 457 visa holders or applicants as of 18 April 2017
The government has announced transitional provisions for Subclass 457 visa holders or applicants who had held or applied for the 457 visa on or before 18 April 2017. The announcement should allow employers and foreign employees to better prepare for the upcoming March 2018 changes to the ENS and RSMS programs.
The grandfathering provisions indicate that 457 holders and applicants as of 18 April 2017 will not be subject to all the new requirements set to be introduced early next year. These visa holders will remain able to access current existing visa provisions under the Temporary Residence Transition (TRT) stream:
- Eligible occupations remain the same so long as the nominee has continued to work in the same nominated position for the sponsoring employer for a period of at least two years
- The age limit will remain at below 50 years of age
- The work experience requirement will remain the same as long as the nominee has worked for the same sponsoring employer on their Subclass 457 visa for a period of at least two years out of three, immediately prior to lodging the application.
READER NOTICE: All information is current and accurate at the time of publishing. However, the above information and status is highly susceptible to change without warning, and thus this cannot substitute for any legal advice. Expat International cannot be held responsible for any actions stemming from the information provided above.