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Temporary Activity Visa (Covid-19 Pandemic Event)

In recognising restricted international travel options arising from the Covid-19 pandemic, the Australian Government has introduced a special category within the Subclass 408 visa to enable certain foreign employees to remain and continue their current work in Australia in critical sectors such as agriculture, food processing, and health, aged, disability, or child care. Evidence is […]

Expat International receives Achievement Award at the 2018 Graebel Relocation Alliance Conference

Expat International is pleased to have received recognition at the Annual Graebel Relocation Conference held last October in Denver

Expat is heading to the WERC Global Workforce Symposium this October!

Expanding into International Markets? – Why Companies Need Mobility Support

The trend of moving crucial employees to establish and manage the business in new markets or undertake projects has not diminished.  We have noticed there has been a steady increase in small to medium size companies transferring employees as the globalisation of business continues to grow. The relocation of people presents unique challenges and opportunities [...]

Let’s Talk About the Weather.

They say that to talk about the weather is to exhibit a narrow mind in the grand scheme of conversational topics. We here at Expat International disagree entirely. The weather has become such a hot topic over the last few years that to not talk about it or to simply disregard it as a factor [...]

The Subtle Art of Teaching Relocation.

When it comes to a relocation assignment there are so many factors involved that at first it can seem overwhelming for you and your company. You might think that doing the relocation in house is the best option, and that’s fine. It is entirely possible for you and your company to dive straight into the [...]

What Employers Should Know About Relocation

There is a lot of literature (online) about what an assignee and by extension an assignees family need to focus on when relocating for work. This is all well and good; however, before they set off jetting around the globe it’s the employer that needs to know that they will accomplish the tasks set out [...]

Changes to UK Immigration Act to Impact Visa Holders

Compulsory checks by landlords on the immigration status of new tenants are to be introduced across the country from 1 February 2016. The Immigration Act 2014 has been revised and regulations will come into effect requiring Landlords conduct mandatory checks to establish that new tenants have the right to rent in the UK. Landlords must [...]

Expat’s Consulting and online relocation guide.

  Expat International has always been at the forefront of the immigration and relocation industry in Australia. For this reason we are always looking for new ways to help provide people and companies with the very best of services. Through consultancy, Expat International seeks to provide not only a service that clients can rely on, [...]

Settling In Australia Program

  Settling In Australia Program  Found a new property in Australia and require assistance making it feel like a home? Expat International's Settling In Program is the next step!   The personal relocation consultants at Expat International, provide local knowledge and support as well as hands-on assistance in order to ease the relocating family into their new Australian [...]