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Typical Problems of Returnees

  • By Expat
  • February 25, 2011

Article from http://www.fausa.org/articles1.htm writen by: Pam Perruad

Flack on the job

On the job, the spouse often finds that new people have replaced his or her old colleagues at work. Some people at the office may not have remembered that s/he was abroad. For others, the skills they learned abroad may or may not be needed back at headquarters. Worse yet, some of the returnees find that their division has been out-sources, downsized, merged, or bought out by others.

Relatives Unable to Relate

On the home front, few family members want to hear about(or even see the pictures of) the super vacation in the Alps or side trips to Egypt. They cannot relate to those things. They want to talk about what has happened in their lives. Siblings are often quick to remind you about all of the serious family problems they took care of the while you were off on what they consider an extended vacation.