Expat International has 35 years of experience as highly skilled migration visa service providers in Australia. Expat employs in-house Registered Migration Agents, each with at least five years’ experience in the industry. This ensures that the highest level of skilled migration visa advice is given to each valued Expat client.
Australia is one of the most desirable places for foreign skilled workers to migrate due to the relatively high wages, the overall safe environment, good schooling system, and quality of life. There are a number of skilled visa types and occupations that Expat can access to help you and your family get started on your new life in Australia.
Foreign skilled workers who have been employed on a 457 visa for at least three years by an eligible Australian employer in an eligible occupation may be able to access the Subclass 186 Temporary Resident Transition pathway. Foreign skilled workers who have only been working in Australia for a short duration or for those working overseas, the Subclass 186 Direct Entry pathway may be suitable. There are also Regional Sponsored visas that can be explored.
Contact Expat International to find out if you might be eligible for a temporary or permanent skilled migration visa today.