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A post from Margaret, CEO

  • By Expat
  • November 24, 2011
Department of Immigration and Australian Tax Office
Now Sharing Resources via Visa Data Matching Program
The Commissioner of Taxation issued a Notice on November 16, 2011 regarding a Data Matching Program that is intended to identify taxation fraud and non-compliance relative to a number of Australian Temporary Residence Visas.
The ATO will request and collect names, addresses and other details of entities who have applied between July 1, 2008 and March 31, 2011 for, among others, the following visa subclasses:   417;   442;  457;  462.
Names will be electronically matched and analysed with ATO data to identify potential refund fraud, and other non-compliance with lodgement and payment obligations under taxation law.
(source:  Migration Institute of Australia)