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Australia unveils revised occupations lists and ends exemptions for high-earning Subclass 186 and 187 applicants

  • By Expat
  • July 4, 2017

Effective July 1st, the Australian Government has released further changes to the skilled occupation lists affecting Temporary Work (Skilled) Subclass 457 visas, the Employer Nomination Scheme (ENS) Subclass 186 visa, and the Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme (RSMS) Subclass 187 visas.

Exemptions for high-income earners (with an annual salary of at least $180,001) have been revoked. The removal of the high-salary exemption subjects these applicants to the same English-language requirements and skills assessment evaluations as any other applicant. This will affect Subclass 186 and Subclass 187 visas and nominations that have been filed under the Direct Entry Stream on or after 1 July, and all applications that had not yet had an outcome by that date.

Any Subclass 457 visa applicants whose occupation has been removed from the lists will have the opportunity to withdraw the now ineligible applications and request a refund.

Both the Short-Term Skilled Occupation List (STSOL), with its two year validity, and Medium and Long-Term Strategic Skills List (MLTSSL), with its four year validity, have also been impacted by the changes. Applicants granted a valid MLTSSL visa will have the opportunity to apply for permanent residency in Australia through the Employer Sponsored visa options coming into effect in March 2018.

The changes are outlined below:



Removed from Occupations Lists Equipment Hire ManagerFleet Manager
Picture Framer
Property Manager
Real Estate Agent Principal
Real Estate Agent
Real Estate Agent Representative
Ship’s Engineer
Ship’s Master
Ship’s Officer
University Tutor
MLTSSL occupations that have been added BiochemistBiotechnologist
Butcher or Small Goods Maker
Civil Engineer Technician
Electronics Engineer
Food Technologist
Horse Trainer
Industrial Engineer
Life Scientist (General)
Life Scientist (NEC)
Natural and Physical Science Professionals (NEC)
Petroleum Engineer
Production Manager (Mining)
Production or Plant Engineer
Stone Mason
STSOL occupations that have been added Aeroplane PilotAircraft Maintenance Engineer (Avionics)
Artistic Director
Dressmaker or Tailor
Flying Instructor
Helicopter Pilot
ICT Support and Test Engineers NEC
ICT Support Technicians NEC
Music Director
Moved from MTSSL to STSOL Anaesthetist
Moved from STSOL to MLTSSL BotanistChemist
Chief Executive or Managing Director
Chief Information Officer
Corporate General Manager
Engineering Professional (NEC)
Environmental Consultant
Environmental Manager
Environmental Research Scientist
Environmental Scientist (NEC)
Faculty Head
ICT Security Specialist
Marine Biologist
Mining Engineer
Multimedia Specialist
Musician (Instrumental)
Software and Applications Programmers (NEC)
University Lecturer

The STSOL and MLTSSL lists are expected to be reviewed and revised every six months, with the next scheduled review and update expected on 1 January 2018.


All information is current and accurate at the time of publishing. However, the above information and status is highly susceptible to change without warning, and thus this cannot substitute for any legal advice. Expat International cannot be held responsible for any actions stemming from the information provided above. Please contact [email protected] for more information.