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Repatriation Programs for Corporates

  • By Expat
  • October 24, 2012

In today’s integrated global markets, implementing support programs that facilitate seamless mobility of key employees is critical for any business organisation.
There are many factors that contribute to successful international assignments and Expat International has applied its experience to structure programs and services for each critical phase of an overseas assignment. Repatriation to ‘home base’ is probably one of the most critical area and the issue on which many companies encounter difficulties.
When assessed over the long term the success rate of international assignments for many companies can be below 60%!
This situation often occurs when organisations

  • fail to provide structured support systems that contribute to superior job performance throughout the assignment
  • fail to prepare for a successful transition to the next assignment, or return to home base.

These failures can result in

  • loss on the investment in employees transferred – as measured in the loss of key staff leaving after an overseas assignment
  • a culture developing of staff generally resisting overseas postings – this is always a high hidden cost for organisations.
  • further losses being incurred if the resultant impact on competitiveness is also assessed in financial terms.

It is essential therefore that companies operating internationally have ongoing structured processes and access to external resources and expertise to meet these challenges.

  • participation of external professionals in structuring company support and assessment programs can be very cost effective
  • to provide in house management with additional resources on a temporary basis.
  • “outside” specialists can update clients on the rapidly changing nature and focus of  important issues from country to country and the changing needs of key employees.

Repatriation is successful where it is an integral part of the organisation’s performance management process that covers selection, performance review, and career development plans. To achieve mutual success for the company and the individual on an international assignment, it is necessary for the home manager to be accountable for the cost and outcomes of the employees’ overseas while expatriates themselves with relevant information and consultation must also be held responsible for achieving their goals.
Our experience over twenty years enables us to focus on providing our clients with the information, programs and services they require to manage workforce mobility in the global economy.
We work closely with you and your HR and line management to structure and customize our programs to your business goals and the individual needs of the employees involved, ensuring a positive corporate culture of employee assignment flexibility and mobility.
Repatriation is integrated as part of the entire assignment process starting with the assessment and selection of the right candidate to fill the position. The Expat International program progresses to assignment performance management, and post assignment career planning to complete the cycle.
The program methodology provides for:

  • Managing expatriates’ expectations, and alignment with the company’s business goals. These need to be set out and agreed at the earliest opportunity
  • Ensuring performance review processes continue for employees on international assignments and promote their active participation.
  • Consultation and review as to the transferee’s next move or return home to ensure that there are clear goals/objectives set to guide decision making as the assignment progresses. This should be done through the performance review process and career development strategy. Opportunities for future placements can then be included and this will address repatriation issues well before the transferee arrives home.
  • Appointment of a mentor to whom the expatriate can directly voice concerns or turn for advice.  The sponsor/mentor can guide, assist and support the transferee as the assignment progresses.
  • Implementation of Pre-return Action Plan: to be undertaken (as agreed through the performance management process). Career plans should be actioned to ensure a smooth transition to the home environment.
  •  The Expat International repatriation program for the transferee provides the necessary support to ensure a successful transition to the new environment.
  • Once resettled at home base or at next overseas assignment, Expat International will review issues with the transferee and follow up any ongoing requirements.

Expat International assists your business to develop cost effective strategies and policies for managing your global workforce and mobility program.
Objectives are:

  • To provide a framework that provides a systematic way of considering issues critical to successful expatriate performance and eventual repatriation.
  • To provide a framework of selection, development and support for expatriates that is useful in all situations- regardless of where the expatriate originates or where they are assigned.
  • To summarise relevant information that HR and other managers responsible for international assignments will need to consider when making expatriate assignments and that prospective expatriates should consider prior to accepting an assignment.
  • To advise and update company HR managers regarding the needs, issues and changing international scene for expatriate assignment candidates.


With Expat International working with your line and HR managers the following outcomes can be achieved:

  • Your company will have in place a structured repatriation program. This will provide employees a degree of confidence and certainty with regard to international assignments.
  • The program will enhance your current career planning and related processes to track and improve retention of key employees.
  • More effective internal communication providing better understanding of employee and personal priorities.

Improved reintegration strategies over the medium and longer term. This will have a positive impact on return on investment in employee retention, training and development.
For further enquiry please contact [email protected]
Trish Hansen MD HR & Mobility Services
|Expat International www.expat.com.au