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Australia the Five Time Winner.

  • By Expat
  • September 23, 2016

Once again Melbourne has been crowned world’s most livable city. This is old news, we know already, we’ve known this for the last five years. Maybe next year it won’t be the case but as it stands Melbourne coming in at number 1 isn’t new and didn’t cause a national celebration (don’t get us wrong, we were happy enough). However, this most prestigious award that Australians (especially the Melbournians) have become so blasé about gives rise to an opportunity to talk not about what makes Melbourne the most livable city in the world, but what makes Australia one of the most livable countries in the world.
Where do we start…?
How about the Economy! The Australian economy has experienced continuous growth and features low unemployment, contained inflation, very low public debt, and a strong and stable financial system. By 2012, Australia had experienced more than 20 years of continued economic growth, averaging 3.5% a year. Demand for resources and energy from Asia and especially China has grown rapidly, creating a channel for resources investments and growth in commodity exports. In short Australia has one of the most stable economies in the world; in comparison to other countries Australia is still relatively young, so to be able to compete with countries that have a few hundred years on us is something to be impressed about regardless if you find world economies a dry topic.
Australia also has one of the lowest unemployment rates in the world and as such many skilled workers from all corners of the globe flock here not only for our culture and lifestyle but for the opportunity of finding employment in their relevant fields.  This once again translates to a gradual increase in the overall GDP rating given out to countries by the World Bank as well as an increase to Australia’s general economy (sorry to bring it back the economy)
Asides from amazing economy and GDP rating, Australia is viewed as an education destination for many International students. With a wide range of programs and scholarships offered as well as some of the best universities and technical institutes there has been a huge influx of overseas students coming into our country and staying on after their studies have been completed due to the lifestyle and culture promoted by our nation (not just Melbourne)
So yes, Melbourne is the best city in the world. Our ratings in stability, healthcare, education standards, culture and environmental awareness have put has on top, over other cities like Vienna, Toronto, Helsinki and Sydney but we must not let this acclaim go to our head as it’s the efforts of a nation’s government and people that have helped not only Melbourne, but the whole of Australia to become one of the most livable countries in the world.