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Expat CEO receives Worldwide ERC 2017 Distinguished Service Award

  • By Expat
  • October 18, 2017

Expat International is very pleased to announce that our very own CEO, Margaret McCartney, has been conferred a Distinguished Service Award by the Worldwide ERC® – The Association for Workforce Mobility. The Distinguished Service Award was given in recognition of Margaret’s continuous dedicated service and outstanding professional contributions to Worldwide ERC® and the global workforce mobility business community. It was initially awarded in May 2017 at the Worldwide ERC® Americas Mobility Conference, and conferred at the Worldwide ERC® Global Symposium held in Chicago in September 2017.

Margaret founded Expat International in 1983 and has proudly achieved 34 years of continuous Consultancy to Global businesses, across all phases of Personnel Relocation Management and Visa Acquisition.

About Worldwide ERC®

Since its beginnings in 1964, Worldwide ERC® has been committed to connecting and educating workforce mobility professionals all across the globe. A global not-for-profit organization headquartered in Washington, D.C., Worldwide ERC® boasts offices in London and Shanghai and is a trusted source of global mobility knowledge and innovation in talent management on every continent. For more information, visit www.WorldwideERC.org.


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