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Federal Election fast approaching

  • By Expat
  • May 15, 2019

It’s that time again. After many a leadership spill and a total of 5 Prime Ministers over the last 9 years, it’s time for the vote to be given back to the people of Australia.

Next Saturday, the 18th of May, Australians will take to the polls and exercise their right to vote, and their important role in our democracy. Early polling has already been open for 2 weeks so Australians in Australia and overseas have already been getting involved in what is sure to be an interesting run.

Campaigning is in full swing, with television, radio, and physical ads popping up everywhere. With a new generation of voters heading to the polls this time around, Parties are also advertising and
campaigning using new platforms. The face of media is changing, with traditional outlets like television and radio now being eclipsed by streaming services. Some parties are now advertising on YouTube, and even on popular smartphone apps. With the youth being our future, it is exciting to see the government embrace the change, and reach new mediums to be visible to new voters.

Though there are numerous micro parties running for seats the final race will most likely be between the Coalition and The Labour Party, with the Greens nipping at their heels.

Good luck to all those running, and good luck to all voters!