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Modern Mobility – The new face of a globally connected world

  • By Expat
  • September 24, 2013


According to PwC, the future of how the workforce is sourced, organised and managed is changing in our globally connected world. PwC’s report Talent Mobility 2020 and beyond explores how mobility has increased and is predicted to continue to increase in response to skill demands and the need to engage and retain talent. Current business and employee needs are seeing the straightforward transfers of the past evolving into a new complex modern mobility.

Short-term and project-based assignments are on the rise as organisations see the benefit of a well-rounded and international workforce. This means that businesses need to transfer people quickly and efficiently with more sophisticated strategies. The report states that organisations with fluid and evolving mobility programmes will flourish in this rapidly changing world. Take a look at our website to see how Expat International can help with your mobility needs.

Visit PwC’s website on Managing Tomorrow’s People to read their report on Modern Mobility and hear their discussion on how best to manage this new environment.