New Zealand Electronic Travel Authority Launch – October 1, 2019
Effective October 1, 2019 Most travellers excepting Australian citizens will be refused entry to New Zealand if they do not hold a New Zealand Electronic Travel Authority (NZeTA) or other valid New Zealand visa prior to travel. Australian citizens will be exempt, but Australian permanent residents must hold an NZeTA.
Additionally, travellers do not have to apply for an NZeTA if they are:
- Cruise ship passengers and crew, or commercial airline crews
- In transit through N.Z. International Airport enroute to or from Australia or
- Transiting enroute to another country if they are nationals of a visa-waiver or transit-visa-waiver country
The NZeTA is valid for two years. Employment of any kind is prohibited. If the intending traveller is not a citizen of the countries listed under Visa Waiver Countries and Territories** an appropriate visa must be applied for.
Holders may visit New Zealand for a total of 6 months in any 12-month period for recreation or sports. Maximum stay per visit is 3 months; 6 months for U.K. citizens. All passports must have 3-months’ further validity beyond anticipated date of departing N.Z.
Make an online application for the two-year NZeTA and allow 72 hours’ processing time. Cost is $NZ12.00. Applicants may also be asked to pay $NZ35.00 conservation and tourism levy.
Applicants must declare to:
- Be in good health
- Be of good character
- Be bona fide applicants
- Be citizens of a visa waiver country
- Have enough money to live on while in N.Z. (Minimum $NZD1,000 / month, or $NZD400 / month if accommodation has been pre-paid)
- Have not been deported, removed or excluded from another country, or
- The N.Z. Government has reason to believe they may be a risk to the nation’s security, public order, or public interest
- Additional questions will be asked of travellers who are pregnant.
During check-in prior to departure for N.Z. the traveller on an NZeTA will be asked to present onward travel arrangements (and evidence of payment) to a country they have a right to enter.
If applicants do not meet the stated requirements for travel visa-waiver they should apply for a Tourist Visa prior to arrival.
Please reach out to Vanna at [email protected] or call +61 3 9670 7555 for information and assistance.
Note: Expat does not accept responsibility for the accuracy of this information which is general in nature, as made available by the New Zealand Department of Immigration. Details should always be checked for timely correctness prior to departing for New Zealand.