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So …. ‘Buddy’ or ‘Kitty’ want to be an expat too!

  • By Expat
  • July 2, 2019

… and they’re most welcome in Australia, providing the strict quarantine laws defending Australia’s island nation from the introduction of rabies and other bio-security risks are observed.

Before leaving home, Buddy or Kitty must undergo a 6 to 7 months series of vaccination treatments in preparation for the move. After arrival in Australia, they will be transferred to a quarantine kennel for 10 days before being free to join you on your Australian adventure.

Detailed information on the required preparation and scheduling is available at http://www.agriculture.gov.au/cats-dogs/step-by-step-guides

New Zealand, our island nation neighbour, is the singular exception to this law. New Zealand pets may travel freely to Australia.

In addition to veterinary costs, pet transportation, boarding, and permits can become quite complicated and expensive. Expat International has a wonderful pet relocation management program that can help you get quality care and service for your furry best friend, and the best rates as well. Contact us at [email protected] for further details.