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Expat’s Consulting and online relocation guide.

  • By Expat
  • January 14, 2016

Expat International has always been at the forefront of the immigration and relocation industry in Australia. For this reason we are always looking for new ways to help provide people and companies with the very best of services. Through consultancy, Expat International seeks to provide not only a service that clients can rely on, but also advise our clients on what they need to know when delving into relocation. Our consultancy program strongly encourages the transfer of knowledge from us to you, so next time you want to relocate you are better equipped to do so.
We realise that relocation and visa immigration is not something to attempt blindly, there can also be some fairly niche issues that may arise and cause you unnecessary grief.  We know from our independent research that Expat International provides the best available solutions, with our extensive range of services and highly experienced relocation consultants that can assist you. There is no issue to great or too small that we cannot handle.
When you decide to call Expat International to advise you or your company in the subtle art of relocation and immigration you’re not only getting the wealth of knowledge that comes with our experienced consultants, but you are also given access to our unique program ‘My Expat Guide’. Within the guide you have all the information on Australia you could need. Covering everything from forms of government and finances to where the best places to eat are in each different state. Because we realise that the Australian Government changes every now and then (four Prime ministers in 2 terms) and the rating on Zomatoes changes every day we have dedicated agents updating My Expat Guide on a regular basis to keep its content fresh and relevant.
We work with a diverse group of clients, including larger multinational organisations, not-for-profit organisations and smaller locally minded companies. The relationships that we have formed have spanned many years and because of our work ethic and etiquette we are considered the number one company for Australian relocations.
We take pride in the work that we do and quality of work that our employees provide. We are constantly adding to the intellectual capital of our industry and through our services we would like to impart that knowledge to other industries so that they have ready solutions to their mobility issues.
If you wish to know more about Expat International’s consultancy work please contact us by calling, +61-3-9670-7555.  Or visit our website at https://www.expat.com.au/