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Generation Relocation – A Fresh Approach to Millennial Moves

It's no surprise that Millennials are relocating at a higher rate than ever before. They bring with them benefits such as eagerness to learn and advance in the workplace, open-mindedness, updated qualifications, and company diversity. Oftentimes, Millennials are also a more cost-effective addition to the team.   At Expat International, we want to help you [...]

AUSTRALIA – Changes to Working Holiday Visa Program

Revisions have been released for Australia’s Working Holiday (WH) Visa Program. These changes were initially announced

New visas soon available for Singaporeans into Australia

Two new visas have been announced to facilitate the arrival of Singaporeans into Australia. Working Holiday Visa Arrangement Coming into effect on 31 August 2017, this work and holiday visa enables Singaporeans under 30 years of age, who meet the education and English-language requirements, to live and work in Australia for up to 12 months. [...]